Fil and Filippa: Story of Child Life in the Philippines


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Written by John Stuart Thomson

Fil and Filippa: Story of Child Life in the Philippines is a novel written by American writer John Stuart Thomson back in 1917. In this historical and cultural novel, Thomson meets two children, namely Fil and Filippa, and recounts life in the Philippines based on his first impression of the country as a first time visitor.



  1. Names
  2. Climate, Typhoons, Volcano
  3. At Worship
  4. Houses
  5. Cocoa and Coffee
  6. Hemp and Sugar
  7. The Coconut Tree
  8. Indigo; Mango; Guava; Durian
  9. The Forest
  10. Minerals
  11. Water Buffalo
  12. Bats; Cattle; Horses; Cats; Monkeys
  13. Flying Ants; Locusts
  14. Boats and Fish
  15. Saw Mill; Mudsleighs; Wooden Plows
  16. Umbrellas; Chairs; Milk-bottle
  17. Home Life
  18. Dress
  19. The “Adios” Feast


0.25 kg • 8.5″ x 5.5″ • Paperback • English • 88, Glossy pages, 13pt font


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