Some Are Smarter Than Others: The History of Marcos’ Crony Capitalism



Some Are Smarter Than Others irrefutably exposed the political and economic infrastructure of plunder supporting the Marcos dictatorship. Yet these are now denied and the unrepentant Marcoses in their manipulation of current politics have led the country again to Martial Law (in Mindanao) and to appalling impunity.

Ric Manapat exercised not only intellectual passion in research, but always raged at the poverty caused by government-sponsored greed, witnessing its effects on particular persons–urban poor and farmers who were his deep and life-long friends. In producing this book and other projects, he would have been guided by Thesis 11: the point of understanding the world being to change it.


A new generation reading Some Are Smarter Than Others can connect the dots to many of the persons and events of today, and more wisely take the actions needed.

—Karen N. Tañada


Written 40 years ago in 1979, “Some Are Smarter Than Others” began its life as a 40-page pamphlet that slowly grew in size, and spread, by photocopy and by hand, during the Martial Law years. Today. It remains a living, burning example of how the plain and simple truth can and must become the most potent, persistent, and amplifiable tool against the powerful structures of oppression.

—Angelo R. Lacuesta


Author: Ricardo Manapat

Category: Politics and Society

Weight: 1 kg

ISBN: 978-971-550-926-8

Imprint: Bughaw

Language: English


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