The Good Doctor of the Himalayas


Great Men and Women of Asia–Children‘s series is partnership project of The Bookmark, Inc. and Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation to bring inspiring stories of real-life heroism to children all over the world, so that they may grow in their love of country, compassion for their fellowmen, and perserverance to achieve worthwhile goals anchored on strong personal values.



Story by: Fran Ng
Illustrated by: Aldy Aguirre

This book tells the story Sanduk Ruit, an eye surgeon, whose death of his older sister led him to medicine. Ruit treks the far-flung towns to conduct eye camps, on the spot eye surgeries and almost instantly restored the sight of grateful country folks. He also devised techniques to achieve hospital-quality standards of precision and sterility under makeshift conditions.

He opened the Tilganga Eye Center ( TEC ) in 1994 in Nepal. Ruit led the operation of the center that trains eye-care paramedics, medical residents, and nurses as well as visiting surgeons from Asia, North America, Europe and Australia. It also manufactures extremely high-quality intraocular lenses for surgery and makes it available to needy recipients in some fifty countries for less than USD 5.00 apiece.

The good doctor Ruit is famous for his stamina at the operating table and can perform one hundred surgeries in a single day. He remains inspired by the joyful satisfaction of giving the gift of sight, especially to the poor. He says, “everyone deserves good vision. There can be no children of a lesser god.”

Length 16 pages
Size 10 x 8 x 0.05 Inches
Weight 250 Grams
Type Soft Cover


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